By Nazi law every Jew must wear a large Star of David
on their clothing. The children were removed from all schools. Not allowed in any park, to take a tram, or to purchase anything
from an "Aryan" or gentile. There were endless restrictions in ther lives. Parents were removed from all civil and public
positions/professions. Their citizenship was removed, fully. They became "non-people", stateless.
The statistics regarding the tragic fate of the children who died
during the Holocaust will never be known. Estimates range as high as 1.5
million murdered children. This figure includes more than 1.2 million Jewish
children, tens of thousands of Gypsy children and thousands of institutionalized
handicapped children. Ripped from their homes and stripped of their childhoods,
their human dignity raped, the children witnessed the murder of parents,
siblings, and relatives. They lived and died during the evil years of the
Holocaust and were victims of the Nazi regime, and a world that turned a blind
eye to their plight. Since the identities of most of the children in this presentation are unknown, I have decided not to
add names to any photograph. Most died, a few lived. When you see a child here think of their name as your name, or a child
of yours name, or of your brother, sister, mother, father. Don Noyes-More,Ph.D., Editor in Chief.
(Below) The park bench says "for Aryans Only". Jews were not allowed into parks, beaches, museums or any public
"Aryan" place.
With the passage of
the Nuremberg Laws by the
Reichstag on September 15, 1935, the first direct attack on individual Jews was
launched. These laws mark a sharp progression toward an irreversible
anti-Semitic policy. In the future, no Jew would be able to escape intensified
