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GAYLE SLATEN Editor & Poet Laureate
During the time of COVID-19, where social distancing has become
the norm, poetry reflects the fear and hope that isolation brings. May you be safe. May you stay healthy. Distance Ever the optimist I see kindness abound During this time Of distancing I feel the care Of neighbors reaching out Across the nations Bridging the gap easily, Taking
the impossible By surprise Creating a new paradigm Of working together Against a common enemy From our
separate spaces Quieting the fear Through connection On a deeper level Going within To reveal our humanity Ever the optimist I am witness to A
more gentle time Emerging When This is Over End of days Brings me here To this small, Well appointed room Like the scene from 2001 Floating in space Yet in a space Of
comfort and Recognition, as though I’ve been here before. Safe-- This
is all there is, Just this room And it is enough To rebirth myself Into a new life, In a new world, Shored up For the new order Of the universe… Ready for
was named Gayle Lindsay Slaten at birth—my mother said she gave me a writer’s name. Prophecy or not, I have been writing
since I could hold a pen. Poetry flows with my nature, helping
me to discover myself through hard times and a good friend to me as I traverse this earthly path. This column encompasses the balance between dark times and light, earlier musings and lessons learned
along the way. I share my writing to help others know that life can
change in a moment, just by making and acting on one choice. I am happily
living in Tucson, AZ, writing, drumming, dancing and making art. ____________________________________
